
I have been playing around with the idea of a stream based, sax like parsing API for JSON. In my mind, it has a few very direct benefits. I suspect that it would simplify implementing a parser for an already simple syntax. It would also allow for parsing arbitrarily large documents. In my case I need to return information to the user as quickly as possible, I absolutely cannot wait for the entire document to be parsed. This would solve that problem. All that said I seriously doubt that I am the first one to think of this, though I can’t find any references to anything similar out there. If any of you have any pointers, let me know in the comments, and I will reference them. I plan to implement this in Erlang and at least one other language. I will post links as soon as that is done. Without further ado.


The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is defined in RFC 4627. This document describes the method of parsing JSON using an event-driven API. It is expected that details of implementation will change from language to language. However, this document should present a uniform approach to stream parsing of JSON


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is described as a text format for serialization of structured data. More commonly it is used as a transport protocol for various network-based applications. This document describes an event based parsing mechanism for JSON data that can be implemented in a simple and straightforward manner. Reading and understanding RFC 4627 is a prerequisite to reading and understanding this document.


The stream oriented parser produces a series of events that describe the structure currently being parsed. These events are then consumed by the calling application in some manner. The actual mechanism of consumption will vary from language type to language type though a few different types of APIs are discussed in the appendix of this document.

JSON is composed of two types of data structures primitive and complex types. The events for the two types of structures remain the same, changing only in the description of the structure being described.

The events around primitive types are relatively straightforward and should be implemented as simply as possible. Individual API definers will choose how they want to implement it using the examples in the appendix as a guide.

Primitive types in JSON are strings, numbers, booleans, and null. These are described within the event itself

string = STRING_DATA(value)
number = NUMBER_DATA(value)
boolean = BOOLEAN_DATA(value)
null = NULL_DATA(value)

Complex types in JSON are objects and arrays. These are represented by a series of events that describe the object. Because they are complex types, their representation is much more complex than that of primitive types. However, it allows the object to be consumed as it occurred in the stream.

 object = OBJECT_BEGIN
        ... # recursive type description
         ... # arbitrary number of additional key/value pairs

  array = ARRAY_BEGIN
        ... # recursive type description

Callback API Description for Erlang

This would be implemented as a behavior that defines these callbacks. Client code that wishes to receive these callbacks would implement these methods. This should allow a high degree of flexibility for the client.

%% should guard data will be one of the primitive types
%% null will be represented by the atom null
data(Value, State) -> State2
object_begin(State) -> State2
object_end(State) -> State2
key(Value, State) -> State2
value_begin(State) -> State2
value_end(State) -> State2

array_begin(State) -> State2
array_end(State) -> State2
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